Disturbed balance of sex hormones


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Apparently a thick belly is at least partially related to the sex hormones.

Why do men tend to have a bigger belly than women? And why do menopausal women get a big belly, even if they used to have wide hips and a narrow waist?

The differences between men and women with regard to the thick belly have already been described in an extra page.

However, it has not yet been conclusively clarified how sex hormones play a role in the thick stomach.

In some cases there are even conflicting views. However, these contradictions are for the most part only apparent contradictions. One of the reasons for this is that the effect of hormones is not fully understood.

On the one hand, this applies to scientists who have not yet discovered all the modes of action of hormones. This is understandable, because the hormone effect on the body is not exactly easy. If scientists have not yet understood the complete mode of action of hormones individually and in combination, it is all the more difficult for laymen to understand the hormones and their effects.

hormone dominance

Hormones do not act in a straight line in the human body, but in relation to their mutual relationship. One of the consequences of this is that some hormones act as if there were too much of them, even if there are too few of them in the body.

In such cases one speaks of a dominance of a certain hormone.

Hormone dominance means that the hormone in question is more present than normal in relation to another hormone. This can even be the case if the dominant hormone is only present in normal quantities or even in reduced quantities.

The decisive factor in these cases is that the other hormone is not present enough.

testosterone dominance

Testosterone dominance occurs when the hormone testosterone is dominant in relation to estrogens and/or progesterone.

Men are naturally always dominated by testosterone. However, one cannot speak of testosterone dominance in men because it is normal for them to have high testosterone levels.

Therefore, the topic of testosterone dominance is more interesting in women.

In women of childbearing age, testosterone levels are usually very low. Few women have elevated testosterone levels.

However, with the onset of menopause, testosterone levels usually rise slightly. Testosterone levels usually remain low, but are slightly higher than in younger years.

At the same time, the progesterone level, one of the important female hormones, drops. The oestrogen level does not decrease until much later.

However, the ratio between slightly increased testosterone and lowered progesterone is often sufficient to cause testosterone dominance.

In a testosterone dominance, the affected woman usually grows a small beard. Initially, it is only individual hairs that become more and more over the years. Sometimes the voice gets deeper and the appearance more dominant.

In addition, body fat can accumulate in the abdominal cavity. The abdomen thus becomes thicker compared to thighs, buttocks and other typical areas of subcutaneous fatty tissue.

estrogen dominance

Estrogen dominance occurs when progesterone production is reduced or when too much estrogen is produced. It is not the absolute amount of estrogen that is decisive, but the ratio to progesterone.

Particularly in women at the beginning of the menopause, oestrogen dominance occurs. Some women also suffer from this phenomenon in earlier years.

Oestrogen dominance causes numerous complaints, including irritability, swollen breasts, water retention and weight gain.

The estrogen dominance does not directly cause a growth of the inner abdominal fat, but a growth of the outer abdominal fat and swelling of the abdomen due to water accumulation.

On the other hand, a lot of internal abdominal fat can cause estrogen dominance. The internal abdominal fat produces oestrogens.

Men can also have an estrogen dominance. This happens when their testosterone level is slightly too low in relation to oestrogen. In men, too, the external abdominal fat increases and water can accumulate in the abdomen. However, fat can also accumulate on the hips, buttocks, legs and chest.

Detailed information about estrogen dominance can be found on our german website with book: https://oestrogen-dominanz.de.

menopause - menopause abdomen

During the menopause, many women have several factors that can favour a thick belly.

Due to the progesterone deficiency, which generally already occurs clearly before an estrogen deficiency, both an estrogen dominance and a testosterone dominance occur.

This leads to increased water retention, especially in the abdomen.

On the other hand, many women have an increased tendency to gain weight. If food intake and exercise remain constant, more fat is stored than in younger years, which is probably mainly due to a decreasing basal metabolic rate.

As a result of this increase in fat deposits, many women's outer abdominal fat becomes thicker, i.e. the so-called spare tyre. Although it is rather harmless to health, it is often perceived as unpleasant.

The dominance of testosterone also leads to increased accumulation of fat inside the abdomen, i.e. to internal abdominal fat. This fat is also dangerous from a health point of view, as was already explained in the previous chapters.

The menopause therefore promotes a thick belly in several ways.

Because a thickening stomach is quite common during the menopause, one also speaks of a menopause abdomen.

However, anyone who knows about the tendency towards a fat stomach during the menopause can certainly prevent it. For this purpose, however, most women need to eat less and exercise more.

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