Insulin resistance


Stress - Cortisol << >> Sex hormones

Insulin resistance is in a fatal interaction with the inner abdominal fat. This hormone resistance is both a cause of internal abdominal fat and a consequence of it. Cortisol also plays an important role in this interaction.

In order to understand the mechanisms of action between abdominal fat and insulin resistance, basic knowledge about the metabolic hormone insulin is required.

Insulin is produced by the islet cells of the pancreas. It is a vital hormone for regulating the carbohydrate metabolism. Insulin has the task of lowering blood sugar levels after meals rich in carbohydrates. Excess food energy is fed into the fat cells with the help of insulin to serve as a supply. At the same time, the fat release of the fat cells is slowed down so that the body gets its energy directly from the sugar-enriched blood.

In a healthy, normal-weight person, this is a sensible procedure for the body. In this way, the freshly fed food is used effectively and any surpluses are quickly stored.

However, with this functioning of the body, there is no meaningful mechanism for dealing with permanent carbohydrate surpluses. This leads to overweight and fat deposits in unwanted areas.

If too many carbohydrates are eaten very often, the body gets used to a lot of insulin and no longer reacts sensitively enough to the presence of this hormone. This is known as insulin resistance. The development of insulin resistance is promoted by increased cortisol levels due to stress. Cortisol blocks the effectiveness of insulin.

With insulin resistance, the blood sugar level is no longer sufficiently lowered by the usual amount of insulin. The pancreas is therefore induced to release more insulin.

An increased amount of insulin then circulates in the body. This increased amount of insulin increasingly blocks the release of fat from the fat cells. So it's getting harder and harder to lose weight.

Diabetes can often develop from insulin resistance.

But how does the vicious circle between insulin resistance and internal abdominal fat come about?

The high insulin level particularly promotes the growth of internal abdominal fat. Cortisol can be stored in the inner abdominal fat, which in turn further blocks the effect of insulin.

Insulin resistance and internal abdominal fat therefore continue to swing upwards with the help of cortisol.

Unlike numerous slimming apostles have claimed in recent years, insulin resistance does not affect almost everyone who wears a tummy.

A Swedish study in 2005 found that insulin resistance occurs almost exclusively in people whose abdominal girth is larger than 100 cm. This applies to both men and women. The stomach must be very stately to indicate insulin resistance.

Stress - Cortisol << >> Sex hormones

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